Re: Percent-encoding in DM still broken?

On 1 Feb 2012, at 00:37, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
> Either way, it makes sense to use the same encoding in R2RML and DM (modulo some extra delimiters needed in DM). Barring objection, I'll change DM to:
> [[
> Definition percent-encode:
>  * Replace the string with its IRI-safe version per R2RML §7.3 [R2RML].
>  * For attribute names, replace each HYPHEN-MINUS character ('-', U+003d) with the string "%3D".
>  * For attribute values, replace each FULL STOP character ('.', U+002e) with the string "%2E".
> ]]
> (striking "(a subset of HTML5 form dataset encoding)" as it would no longer be true if ' 's don't turn into '+'s)

+1 to that!


Received on Thursday, 2 February 2012 10:15:39 UTC