Re: Many-to-Many table in R2RML

On 29 Jul 2011, at 15:19, Juan Sequeda wrote:
> Could you please add this example (or something similar) to the specs. I think it would be really useful.

I'll see what I can do.

> So is this wrong then:
> <#TriplesMap1>
>     rr:logicalTable [ rr:tableName "student"; ]
>     rr:subjectMap [
>         rr:template "{s_id}";
>         rr:class ex:Student;
>     ];
>     rr:predicateObjectMap [
>         rr:predicateMap [ rr:predicate ex:name; ];
>         rr:objectMap [ rr:column "name" ];
>     ];
>     rr:predicateObjectMap [ 
>     	rr:predicateMap [ rr:predicate ex:isEnrolled ] ;
>         rr:refObjectMap [ rr:parentTriplesMap <#TriplesMap2> ];
>     ].
> <#TriplesMap2>
>     rr:logicalTable [ rr:tableName "course"; ]
>     rr:subjectMap [
>         rr:template "{c_id}";
>         rr:class ex:Course;
>     ];
>     rr:predicateObjectMap [
>         rr:predicateMap [ rr:predicate ex:title; ];
>         rr:objectMap [ rr:column "title" ];
>     ];
>     rr:predicateObjectMap [ 
>     	rr:predicateMap [ rr:predicate ex:hasStudent ] ;
>         rr:refObjectMap [ rr:parentTriplesMap <#TriplesMap1> ];
>     ].

Yes this is wrong. A referencing object map needs an rr:join (unless if both triples maps use the same logical table).

The way referencing object maps are designed, you can't use them to join over two tables.

> ok. but if I'm not wrong, it's not explicit in the spec that you can give a subjectMap and objectMap a URI. or is it?

Quoting from 4.1

An R2RML mapping graph: […] may use the same IRI or blank node in multiple roles to enable re-use of mapping components. For example, an IRI that represents a subject map may be used as the subject map of multiple triples maps; and may even be used as an object map of another triples map if it has the right properties.

I'll see if I can re-word this to make this even more explicit.

>> A case can be made for further syntactic sugar in the case where a triples map only has a single predicate-object map:
>> A case can be made for further syntactic sugar in the case where one doesn't need a logical table to be re-usable. In that case it would be simpler to just stick rr:tableName, rr:sqlQuery and so on directly onto the triples map:
> YES!! Can we please have this!!!

I'll raise issues. Not sure how much we can do though given the remaining time to Last Call.


Received on Friday, 29 July 2011 14:51:36 UTC