[Test Cases] DBs naming convention

Hi all

It was long time since David and Bob suggested to change the naming 
convention of the DBs ... apologies for this.
So, I'm going to change the DB names according to their suggestions, 
basically by adding a sortable unique identifier.
Here is a summary of the DB changes

Current Name 	New Name
1table0rows 	D000-1table0rows
1table1row 	D001-1table1row
1table2columns1row 	D002-1table2columns1row
1table3columns1row 	D003-1table3columns1row
1table2columnsprojection 	D004-1table2columnsprojection
2duplicates0nulls 	D005-2duplicates0nulls
1table1primarykey1column1row 	D006-1table1primarykey1column1row
1table1primarykey2columns1row 	D007-1table1primarykey2columns1row
2tables1primarykey1foreingkey 	D009-2tables1primarykey1foreingkey
I18NnoSpecialChars 	D010-I18NnoSpecialChars
M2MRelations 	D011-M2MRelations
2tables2duplicates0nulls 	D012-2tables2duplicates0nulls
1table3columns2rows1nullvalue 	D013-1table3columns2rows1nullvalue

I hope this is ok.


Received on Tuesday, 12 July 2011 22:18:30 UTC