- From: Juan Sequeda <juanfederico@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 10:01:15 -0600
- To: RDB2RDF Working Group WG <public-rdb2rdf-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <AANLkTikXF5OA_w5gpG2+6fWfT05o3kvDQPFUmsa06hLj@mail.gmail.com>
Hi Everybody, Marcelo and I have worked out this issue by adding two built in predicates: card, and <=. These are described in [1]. We have currently written them out in the case 4.1.3 (Generating Table Triples: table does not have a primary key) [2] and in case 4.2.3 (Generating Literal Triples: table does not have a primary key) [3]. We are currently working on section 4.3 Generating Reference Triples. [1] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/directMapping/#direct_mapping_rules [2] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/directMapping/#rules_table_triples_no_pk [3] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/directMapping/#rules_literal_triples_no_pk Juan Sequeda +1-575-SEQ-UEDA www.juansequeda.com On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 2:41 PM, RDB2RDF Working Group Issue Tracker < sysbot+tracker@w3.org <sysbot%2Btracker@w3.org>> wrote: > > ISSUE-9 (bn_directmapping): Generate Blank Nodes for duplicate tuples > [Direct Mapping] > > http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/issues/9 > > Raised by: Juan Sequeda > On product: Direct Mapping > > Given a table that does not have a primary key, which has duplicate tuples, > a different blank node must be created for each tuple. > > In the Direct Mapping as rules section of the Direct Mapping document, we > described this scenario by using all the values of the tuple to create the > blank node [1] [2]. However, there is a bug, raised by Alexandre [3]. The > issue is that datalog cannot deal with duplicate. Consequently, Marcelo > raised the point that we can use simple versions of datalog that can deal > with duplicate solutions. > > Possible solutions: > > 1) assume that each table implicitly has a row id which is part of its set > of attributes. The row id is unique. > 2) associates to each tuple an annotation that corresponds to the > multiplicity of the tuple in the database. This annotation function > corresponds to the function card in the definition of the semantics of > SPARQL > > > [1] > http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-rdb-direct-mapping-20101118/#rules_table_triples_no_pk > [2] > http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-rdb-direct-mapping-20101118/#rules_literal_triples_no_pk > [3] > http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2011Jan/0044.html > > > >
Received on Monday, 31 January 2011 16:02:07 UTC