Re: Use Cases and Requirements for Mapping Relational Databases to RDF

On 21.04.2010 5:15, Michael Hausenblas wrote:
> Eric and I discussed all your requirements and integrated your input [1].
> Please note that we introduced a new subsection 3.2 called 'Non-Functional
> Requirements' and moved some of your proposed requirements, there, as they
> seem not to directly address/effect the R2RML, but rather are for
> convenience, or otherwise desirable.

As I understand the distinction between functional and non-functional 
from the software engineering point of view: it is not about importance 
or desireability, but whether a requirement introduces new functionality 
or is related to quantitative measures such as performance, scalability 
etc. In that light all my requirements are functional.


Received on Wednesday, 21 April 2010 16:18:56 UTC