Re: SWObjects slides for Tue

er, perhaps a pointer would be helpful

* Eric Prud'hommeaux <> [2009-12-05 17:16-0500]
> I'll be working on this more, but here's a start on the slides
> introducing algebra for RDB->RDF and (corresponding) SPARQL->SQL
> mappings. If folks want to play with this stuff, try downloading
> the appropriate SPARQL from
> and executing "SPARQL -s http://hr.example/DB/ -e
>    "PREFIX emplP: <http://hr.example/DB/Employee#>
>     SELECT ?empName ?managName
>      WHERE { ?emp emplP:lastName ?empName .
>              ?emp emplP:manager ?manager .
>              ?manager emplP:lastName ?managName }"
> You should see:
> SELECT emp.lastName AS empName, manager.lastName AS managName
>        FROM Employee AS emp
>             INNER JOIN Employee AS manager ON
> which corresponds closely (modulo NULLs) to the results expected in
> The pitch is that this is a doable and useful task and that the world
> will buy us many beers for accomplishing this.
> -- 
> -ericP


Received on Saturday, 5 December 2009 22:29:40 UTC