Editorial bugs?


I am just in the process of familiarizing myself with r2rml, so I may have misunderstood things, so bear with me. But these might be genuine problems:

In, shouldn't there be '(' and ')' characters surrounding 'Department' || depno ? 
Actually, it should be _:Department, as in section 2.1, and not 'Department'.

In, the second code block should be with yellow background

Looking at the A.2.2 example, there is a rr:foreignKeyMap part that does not seem to refer to any specific table in the example, nor does it seem to affect the resulting graphs. (Not being a RDB person I must admit I had problems understanding this part of the spec anyway, an example would be welcome...)

I hope this helps



Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Sunday, 31 October 2010 13:03:25 UTC