Dear Christoph,
I am available to contribute my share.
If we are a team of 3, I think we could make it.
How do we split the effort. Can we use the structure I developed?
Please advise.
Von: Lange-Bever, Christoph []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2017 09:20
An: Felix Sasaki <>; Axel Polleres <>; Dirschl, Christian <>
Betreff: RE: AW: RAX Position Paper
Dear Christian, dear all,
well, maybe there are resources to get the two-pager done by 20th. Felix would be available, I would as well (from tomorrow afternoon), if you were available you would even be able to represent one sector of industry. How much substantial details from industry do we expect on 2 pages anyway? Shouldn't we just draft something and ask our busy industry colleagues for some last minute input?
Christoph Lange(-Bever)
Fraunhofer IAIS
Sent from a mobile device; please excuse my brevity.