Re: Namespaces

* Phil Archer <> [2004-12-07 16:28-0000]
> Just a quick comment on namespaces.
> We need to be clear about the difference between "a label" and a particular 
> label such as an ICRA label.

Yes. Also that some labels might draw on multiple descriptive schemes,
eg. mixing ICRA and MusicBrainz-based markup to describe audio/music

> Kal has suggested 2 namespaces in the ruleset work, rule and uri. These are 
> both very generic and should ideally be on the domain. Is this 
> possible do you think Dan? If not, I'll set up a purl or two (and actually 
> host it on but that won't be obvious).

I think I can do that at W3C easily enough. We'd need to have a clear
'status of this thing' comment, and a rough (eg. 'this is in development
and may change') change policy of some kind.
> Do we need two Kal? If we take your proposal and _just_ have 'matches' 
> (dispensing with beginsWith, endsWith, contains and hasURL) then that just 
> leaves a single thing for the uri namespace? Perhaps it can be included in 
> rule or am I mixing too much up here?
> The namespace for the specifically ICRA bit will be
> Note the word labels, not ratings as we have used previously. (Politics 
> gets everywhere. A label is meant to be objective, a rating is a subjective 
> interpretation of the objective facts).

I'm not sure how far that distinction has yet propagated into the RDF
and XML communities. People will doubtless nitpick about 'objective'.
But I think you're onto something there.

> Phil. 

Received on Thursday, 16 December 2004 11:50:57 UTC