[Bug 29516] [ser31] Definitions spanning paragraphs


--- Comment #1 from Michael Kay <mike@saxonica.com> ---
Solving this is tricky if only because of the complexity of the DTD design and
the fact that few of us write DTDs every day. The fact that there is quite a
bit of stylesheet machinery around termref/xtermref/termdef means we need to be

I'm inclined to the following rather clunky solution:

(a) add an attribute <termdef open="true"> to indicate that the termdef
continues beyond the end of the actual termdef element;

(b) add the markup <p role="closetermdef"/> to signal the end of the most
recent open termdef.

The only stylesheet changes are then, I think

(i) Change or override the match="termdef" template (xmlspec line 2145),

  <xsl:template match="termdef">
    <a name="{@id}" id="{@id}" title="{@term}">
    <xsl:text>: </xsl:text>

to omit the closing "]" if open="true"

(ii) Add a template rule

<xsl:template match="p[@role='closetermdef']">

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Received on Thursday, 3 March 2016 12:20:57 UTC