[Bug 29667] [XSLT30] XTSE3050 with hidden components and homonymous name conflict is ambiguous


--- Comment #6 from Abel Braaksma <abel.braaksma@xs4all.nl> ---
Perhaps a better way of stating this is to explain that:

  <xsl:use-package name="urn:package1" package-version="1.0"  >
    <xsl:accept component="function" names="pkg:function1" visibility="hidden"

  <xsl:use-package name="urn:use-me" package-version="*"  >
    <xsl:accept component="function" names="pkg:function1" visibility="public"


  <xsl:use-package name="urn:package1" package-version="1.0"  >
    <xsl:accept component="function" names="pkg:function1" visibility="hidden"
    <xsl:accept component="function" names="pkg:function1" visibility="public"

are NOT the same (the first is correct, albeit useless, the second will raise
an error). My line of thought that prompted this bug-report is that we create a
UNION of all xsl:use-package with the same name. This is not true.

We may also want to stress that declaration order is not relevant here. A
subsequent declaration does NOT hide a previous declaration and will likely
cause errors (this is different from some other declarations).

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Received on Friday, 10 June 2016 09:38:24 UTC