[Bug 26958] On not precluding updates in XQuery 3.1


--- Comment #31 from C. M. Sperberg-McQueen <cmsmcq@blackmesatech.com> ---
In comment 29, Jonathan says:

    1. People are creating persistent data now, and there's a big gotcha if 
       we're going to tell them later that they created it the wrong way and 
       it cannot be updated according to our specs.

This leads to a question about timing.  If it's true that people are creating
persistent data now, then aren't we already committed to what you call a
'gotcha', as soon as we define the details of how updates work, whether we do
it later (as I take MK to be suggesting) or now (as I take you to be
suggesting)?  I assume your argument may be that "the gotcha will be less
painful now than later", but the argument "the gotcha is less painful at time
T1 than at time T2" and the argument "time T1 has no gotcha and time T2 has a
gotcha" don't on the face of it seem the same to me.  Which are you making?

Jonathan also writes:

    3. We know what an in-situ update is.  

Do we?  It's not obvious to me that we do; why do you think so?

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Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2014 18:08:53 UTC