[Bug 26468] [XSLT30] Shadow attributes do not cover the use-case for optional xsl:use-package


--- Comment #3 from Michael Kay <mike@saxonica.com> ---
On reflection I think that the proposal in comment #2 is a step too far, if
only because of the amount of rework that it causes. But also because I think
there is better clarity if the root module of a package is readily
distinguished from other modules.

So the proposal is as follows:

1. xsl:package has the same content model as xsl:stylesheet/transform, with the
addition that it allows xsl:expose and xsl:use-package elements to appear as
children (in any position).

2. xsl:package acquires an id attribute for consistency with

3. In 3.6, change the rules for "simplified" packages; in the transformation,
replace the body of the template rule by

      <t:package version="{@version}" declared-modes="no">
        <xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
        <t:expose component="mode" names="*" visibility="public"/>
        <t:expose component="template" names="*" visibility="public"/>
        <xsl:copy-of select="node()"/>

4. Remarkably, we do not have any examples of complete packages. Add one!

5. Add an example that illustrates the intended use case for shadow attributes.

6. Generally review the text to make sure we change everything that needs
changing; there are no other technical changes, but we need to look for
out-of-date examples and notes.

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Received on Thursday, 21 August 2014 13:29:23 UTC