[Bug 19579] cbcl-subsequence-008, 010


--- Comment #1 from Tim Mills <tim@cbcl.co.uk> ---
This is interesting.

In the XSLT 3.0 specification at:


lists 7 implementation defined limits.

1.  For the xs:decimal type, the maximum number of decimal digits (the
totalDigits facet). This must be at least 18 digits. (Note, however, that
support for the full value range of xs:unsignedLong requires 20 digits.)

2.  For the types xs:date, xs:time, xs:dateTime, xs:gYear, and xs:gYearMonth:
the range of values of the year component, which must be at least +0001 to
+9999; and the maximum number of fractional second digits, which must be at
least 3.

3.  For the xs:duration type: the maximum absolute values of the years, months,
days, hours, minutes, and seconds components.

4.  For the xs:yearMonthDuration type: the maximum absolute value, expressed as
an integer number of months.

5.  For the xs:dayTimeDuration type: the maximum absolute value, expressed as a
decimal number of seconds.

6.  For the types xs:string, xs:hexBinary, xs:base64Binary, xs:QName,
xs:anyURI, xs:NOTATION, and types derived from them: the maximum length of the

7.  For sequences, the maximum number of items in a sequence.

Not all of these are represented in the XQuery 3.0 specifiaction in


Of the above, 1 to 5 are represented in the F&O specification by error codes
FOAR0002, FOCA0001, FOCA0003, FOCA0006, FODT0001 and FODT0002.

There aren't any codes for 6 or 7.  Perhaps there should be?

The code ANDY0001 is XmlPrime's error for "Argument out of implementation
defined range."  Perhaps a code for this could be added to F&O 3.0 so that the
condition can be handled uniformly across processors.

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Received on Tuesday, 6 November 2012 11:56:53 UTC