Re: [XQuery 1.1] XML-mapping support and explicit parallel FLWOR

  On 21/09/2010 9:36 AM, Semyon Chertkov wrote:
> for $v in $r/column1
>                     return <A>{ $v/text() } </A>


Note that you can already write


The only problem with this is that "/" sorts into document order, which 
in the case of newly constructed nodes is implementation-dependent. If 
we had a "simple mapping operator" (say "\", as has been proposed and 
rejected in the past), then I think


would be equivalent to your suggestion and far more general in its 
capability. (It's essentially a "for" expression that sets the context 
item rather than a range variable).

Michael Kay
(personal response only)

Received on Tuesday, 21 September 2010 09:00:27 UTC