XQTS external context item

In some of the tests in XQTS, a context item is assumed
to be defined outside of the query:

For example:

(: Name: externalcontextitem-22 :)
(: Description: context item expression :)

(: insert-start :)
(: insert-end :)


The catalog does have a definition of what that
context item is supposed to refer to, but what
are the allowable modifications to such a query
when an implementation does not bind a context item
outside of the context of a query?  The testsuite
guidelines give no allowable reformulations in this
case, but the testsuite only allows success.

Is something like this OK? (If so, the testsuite
guidelines should say so; if not, then what?)

declare variable $input-context external;



Received on Thursday, 3 July 2008 19:11:22 UTC