[Bug 3083] [XSLT] escape-uri-attributes or include-content-type specified for xml output method


------- Comment #1 from mike@saxonica.com  2006-05-05 08:38 -------
The WG agreed that this should be an error and asked the editor to draft
suitable text, checking first that all similar consistency issues are handled
in the same way.

I think the general rule should be: if the xsl:output method is explicitly
specified, and if a value is explicitly specified for a serialization parameter
that is not applicable to this output method, then:

* if the xsl:output declaration defining the output method has higher import
precedence than the declaration specifying the inapplicable parameter, the
inapplicable parameter is ignored [the reason for this rule is that it
otherwise becomes impossible for an importing stylesheet to change the output

* otherwise a static error (XTST1565) is signaled.

This applies to the following combinations:

Method       Inapplicable parameters
======       =======================

XML          escape-uri-attributes, include-content-type

XHTML        (none)

HTML         omit-xml-declaration, standalone

TEXT         version, indent, cdata-section-elements, 
             omit-xml-declaration, standalone, 
             doctype-system, doctype-public,
             undeclare-prefixes, escape-uri-attributes,

Michael Kay 

Received on Friday, 5 May 2006 08:38:28 UTC