Re: Error codes in XPath 2.0 specification

Hi Tom,
You are quite correct that the error codes listed in the Feb. 11 edition 
of the XQuery specification are lacking a required 2-digit type code. This 
inconsistency was due to lack of editing time and will be corrected in the 
next edition, which will appear in April.

Regarding the gaps in numbering: occasionally as the XQuery language 
evolves, an error code previously defined is no longer needed. It has been 
my policy in these cases to leave gaps rather than to reuse the error 
codes, in order to avoid possible confusion between different versions of 
the document that used the same code with different meanings.

--Don Chamberlin

Tom Emerson <> 
Sent by:
03/13/2005 11:01 AM


Error codes in XPath 2.0 specification

Section 2.3.2 of the XPath 2.0 specification [1] defines the format for 
errors as a QName with the format "err:XPYYnnnn". However, throughout 
the rest of the document, and most notably in Appendix F, the error 
category is not included in the QName. For example, syntax errors would 
be err::XPST0003 per Section 2.3.2 but is listed in Appendix F as 

Is there a reason for this discrepancy?

Also, is there an explanation for the gaps in the numeric codes?

Thanks in advance for your insight,



Received on Monday, 14 March 2005 17:58:27 UTC