Re: [FT] FTDistance

Thanks for your comment.
We have added an issue on the problems of combining phrases and
distance, and we are discussing possible solutions. We will report back
to you when we have solution to show you.
Please continue to make comments. In the future please make them via
the issue tracking system for this specification (instructions can be
found at
Pat Case for the XQuery and XPath Full Text Task Force

>>> andrewc <> 7/17/2005 8:54 PM >>>

Dear editors,

This is a comment of the last example in section 3.1.9 FTDistance in 
XQuery and XPath Full Text Working Draft.
The Working Draft says:
/book[@number="1" and . ftcontains "web site" && "completion" distance

exactly 15 words same paragraph]/title
returns the title element if the words "web site" and "completion" 
appear within 15 words of each other and in the same paragraph.
However the semantic function of FTDistance says that the adjacent 
StringIncludes must have distance exactly 15 words. However here the 
StringInclude for "web" and the StringInclude for "site" will always 
have word distance zero. So this query should never return title
because there is no Match returned by FTDistance.

It appears to me that FTDistance is related with words, not phrases.
Am I correct?

Received on Wednesday, 20 July 2005 20:27:54 UTC