RE: [F&O] fn:resolve-uri and non-hierarchical base URI

> It is clear, I think. There is nothing that says that the xml:base
> attribute value must be absolute, therefore it can be relative.
> But the infoset says that the [bas URI] property is determined
> according to XML Base, and this says that the base URI of an element
> is the value of the xml:base attribute if it is present. so this
> property can be a relative URI that needs resolving.
> Now fn:resolve-uri (first form) uses the base URI property from the
> static context, which is defined to be an absolute URI.

But the common use case for resolve uri is

resolve-uri(@href, base-uri(.))

so we need to ensure that base-uri(.) delivers an absolute URI. We could do
this either by saying that the base-uri() function takes the base-uri
property of the node and, if it is relative, resolves it recursively; or we
could say that the base-uri property of the node is the pre-resolved
absolute value. In other words, if a document with base URI contains an element with the attribute
xml:base="../e.xml", the base-uri property of that element node should not
be "e.xml", but "". The distinction is not
academic, because it affects what happens when the node is copied. 

Michael Kay

Received on Wednesday, 9 February 2005 09:52:45 UTC