XQuery last call comment XSCH-QL-014: Typeswitch

The Query working group has considered your comment, attached below, and 
accepted your proposal. The revised paragraph in the description of the 
typeswitch expression reads as follows:

"In a case or default clause, if the value to be returned depends on the 
value of the operand expression, the clause must specify a variable name. 
Within the return expression of the case or default clause, this variable 
name is bound to the value of the operand expression. Inside a case 
clause, the static type of the variable is the SequenceType named in the 
case clause. Inside a default clause, the static type of the variable is 
the same as the static type of the operand expression. If the value to be 
returned by a case or default clause does not depend on the value of the 
operand expression, the clause need not specify a variable."

Thank you for this helpful comment. Please let us know whether the Schema 
Working Group considers this to be an adequate response.

--Don Chamberlin, for the Query Working Group

Received on Thursday, 30 September 2004 00:44:58 UTC