Re: XQueryX

Hi Josemaria,

According to the XML Information Set Recommendation [1], the children of 
an element are ordered:

> [children] An ordered list of child information items, in document order. 

A parser that does not preserve this order does not follow the XML 
Information Set. The XML Recommendation itself is less clear on this, 
but if you look at the ways the word 'sequence' is used, it is clear 
that the children of an element are in a sequence, and a sequence is 



Dolores, Josemaria wrote:
>       To whom it may concern,
>         I am studying XQueryX and I have come up with an issue that does
>       not seem to be addressed on the website for the XQueryX
>       specification.  It has to do with ordering stepExpr tags so that
>       they are not sibling nodes.  The problem I see with having sibling
>       nodes is that they are supposed to represent a parent-child
>       relationship in the XPath of Xquery.  If a parser does not take
>       document linearity into account, then the step expressions,
>       because they are sibling nodes, may become jumbled and lose their
>       order when trying to recreate an XPath.  Though most parsers/ do/
>       take document linearity into considerations when parsing an XML
>       document, sibling node order is not a specification that is
>       outlined in the XML specification.  If I am missing something
>       please let me know.  Perhaps you are already working on this
>       issue?  Thanks for your time and your consideration.
>       Josemaria L. Dolores

Received on Thursday, 28 October 2004 17:43:40 UTC