[XQuery] I18N last call comments

This is a reply from the Query Working Group to the following comment 
posted in 

[10] 3.7.2: Not requiring CDATA constructs to be serialized as CDATA
      sections is a good idea, because it helps dispell the idea
      that CDATA sections are semantically significant.

The Query Working Group agrees with this comment. The XQuery 1.0 working 
draft published on 23 July 2004 makes it clear that CDATA constructs 
affect only the interpretation of special characters in the content of a 
direct element constructors. There is no CDATA construct in the XQuery 
data model, and CDATA has no effect on serialization.

Please let us know if you have any further concerns relating to this 

--Don Chamberlin, for the Query Working Group

Received on Wednesday, 13 October 2004 18:43:41 UTC