Re: Formal semantics of step expressions

This is a last-call comment on the formal semantics document.

The message to www-ql from Stijn Vansummeren below revealed 
errors in the formal semantics
of the child axis.  Suggested correction is below.

Hi Stijn,
Sorry for the delay in answering your question.

As usual, a simple question has revealed several bugs!
Thanks, I think!

Currently, the dynamic semantics of axes is defined in 
" Dynamic semantics of axes"

You'll notice that the definition of child:: simply returns the 
ElementValue content of an element:

               dynEnv |- axis Axis child:: of element ElementName {
                    AttributeValue,ElementValue } => ElementValue

This rule has several errors.  First, the content of an element
always has two parts: a sequence of attribute values followed
by a sequence of non-attribute nodes (i.e., element, text, comment, processing-instruction).

The required corrections are:

1. A production for attribute values:
AttributeValues    ::=    AttributeValue
                     | (AttributeValues "," AttributeValues)
                     | ("(" ")")

2. A production for non-attribute element content:
ElementContent    ::=    ElementValue 
                    | TextValue 
                    | CommentValue 
                    | ProcessingInstructionValue
                    | (ElementContent "," Elementcontent)
                    | ("(" ")")

The FS document once had productions like these, but they have
somehow disappeared.  In any case, given these productions, the correct
rule for the child axis is: 
               dynEnv |- axis Axis child:: of element ElementName {
                    AttributeValues,ElementContent } => ElementContent

3. Changes to examples in "2.2.2 Examples of values"

The examples in this section are out of date. 
In particular, they do not reflect the semantics
of elements in the data model, which _always_ contain
other nodes, i.e., they _never_ contain atomic values.
Older versions of the formal semantics, blurred this distinction,
but the final document should not.

The atomic-valued content of an element is a function
of the element's text content and its type annotation
(which is determined during validation).  So to illustrate,
the second example in this section should be:

"... After validation, this element is represented as:

  element weight of type xs:integer {
    attribute xsi:type of type xs:QName {
      "xs:integer" of type xdt:untypedAtomic
    text { "42" }

And the typed value of this element is '42 of type xs:integer'
and the typed value of the xsi:type attribute is '"xs:integer" of type xs:QName'.
Note that the content of the validated document is still 
a text node, but its type annotation is now xs:integer.

Now, finally, back to your original question.  Given the above rule, 

axis child:: of 
 element weight of type xs:integer {
   text {"42" }

==> text {"42"}

Trivially, by the above rule and:

 element weight of type xs:integer {
   text {"42" }
==> 42 of type xs:integer

Thanks for reporting the problem.

> Could someone please enlighten me what the result of the following "axis ... 
> of ..." judgement should be?
> axis child::  of
>      element weight of type xs:integer {
>        42 of type xs:integer
>      }
>   => ?
> My intuition is that this should be text {"42"}. If this is so, could someone 
> please point me to the part of the formal semantics where this conversion is 
> defined?
> Thanks,
> --Stijn Vansummeren
> University of Limburg
> Belgium


Mary Fernandez <>

AT&T Labs - Research

Received on Thursday, 11 March 2004 14:11:27 UTC