Re: [XQuery] 2.6.3 Full Axis Feature

I replied to this message already, but I think I was rather tired and
not particularly constructive, so this is a second reply, You may ignore
the first, sorry about that.

> We would be grateful if you could confirm that this response resolves
> the questions you raised in your comment.

I thank the WG for reconsidering the issue, but I do not find that the
result, confirming the status quo, to be an acceptable outcome.
[I should probably point out at this point that I do not represent a W3C

> One of the major problems with these axes is that
> they are very hard to use with static typing because their type
> inference rules lose all type information.

Removing the syntax does not remove the need for the functionality, it
just forces the user to write the expression long hand. If it is
acceptable that the static type inference can not infer a useful type
to the resulting for expression  then it should be aceptable that it
deduces the same type for the equivalent axis expression.

> In addition some WG members said there were implementation difficulties
> with these axes

Since expressions using these axes may be syntactically re-written to
expressions that do not use them, it is hard to see any implementation
issues. These re-writes could be part of the normalisation to the core
syntax specified in FS. Having a machine do them is better for all
concerned than the status quo, which is forcing the query author to do

> and that the use of these axes impacted their ability to
> create optimized implementations

As commented above with repect to typing, removing the syntax does not
remove the need for the functionality, so if users can not use the axis
syntax, they have to use an equivalent expression.
If it is acceptable for the "expanded" expression to be executed
unoptimised, it must be acceptable for the axis syntax to be similarly
unoptimised, conversely if the equivalent expression is being optimised
by the system, the system could clearly optimise the axis expression.

For the record, I believe these are the rewrites needed (more efficient
ones may well be possible, I just wanted to show that this is a purely
syntactic rewriting, in each case "foo" may be any node test.
Certainly an "internal" rewrite could avoid the explict reversing that
is done to make numeric predicates work. If however the axis is not
available, an Xpath to Xquery translator is probably going to have to do
these rewrites as written, which imposes a real cost.

As these are not rigorously tested, I am prepared to believe that there
are some bugs as written, but I am convinced that some such rewrites are
possible and that it would be much better for the axis syntax to be allowed
always, and for the system to automatically implement  the best rewrite
for that implementation than the status quo which forces the query
author to try to second guess what is the best form of expression to
use. For example an alternative apporoach to specifying the ancestor
axis would have been to write a recursive function to walk up the parent
axis. It would be much easier for the author of the system to know which
is preferable for that system than the author of a query.

  let $here := . return ../foo[$here << .] 

  fn:reverse(fn:reverse(let $here := . return ../foo[$here << .])[1])

  let $here := . return //foo[$here << .] 

  fn:reverse(fn:reverse(let $here := . return //foo[$here << .])[1])

 let $here := . return //foo[fn:not(fn:empty(.//node() intersect $here))] 

 fn:reverse(fn:reverse(let $here := . return //foo[fn:not(fn:empty(.//node() intersect $here))])[1])


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Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2004 18:04:21 UTC