[XSLT2.0] OB04, 5.6.3 Namespace Fixup, QNames in content


The 5th bullet talks about element or attributes that are annotated
with the type xs:QName. It is not clear what happens in a conflict

  <foo xmlns:bar="urn:bar1" att1="bar:something" />
  <foo xmlns:bar="urn:bar2" att2="bar:something" />

att1 and att2 should be annotated as mentioned above.

<xsl:template match="doc">
    <xsl:copy-of select="foo/@*" />

The bar prefix is used for two different namespaces.
Should the namespace fixup process change the value of the attributes
(by choosing unique prefixes)?

Oliver Becker

|  ob|do        Dipl.Inf. Oliver Becker                             |
|  --+--        E-Mail: obecker@informatik.hu-berlin.de             |
|  op|qo        WWW:    http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~obecker |

Received on Tuesday, 6 January 2004 05:41:21 UTC