[FS] possible errors in Function Declaration

5.12 Function Declaration / Static Context Processing
This line seems bogus (and redundant give the line above):
"statEnv2 = statEnv + funcType1(expanded-QName)"
If I'm right, the conclusion should use statEnv1 rather than statEnv2.

5.12 Function Declaration / Dynamic Context Processing
The 3rd premise of of the first rule:
dynEnv' = dynEnv + funcDefn(expanded-QName => ( Expr , Variable1 , ... 
should presumably be:
dynEnv' = dynEnv + funcDefn(expanded-QName(SequenceType1, ..., 
SequenceTypen) => ( Expr , Variable1 , ... Variablen))
since the arguments to funcDecf is a prototype, not a name.
	--Per Bothner
per@bothner.com   http://per.bothner.com/

Received on Sunday, 29 February 2004 18:34:41 UTC