[F&O] IBM-FO-021: Editorial comments

(IBM-FO-021) Editorial comments on Functions and Operators:

(a) Section 1, Introduction: "as well as the two datatypes defined in 
Section 1.5". Actually, there are three datatypes defined in this section, 
which should have a more general title.

(b) Section 1.2, Function Signatures and Descriptions: "the following four 
functions signatures" should be "the following four function signatures" 
(function is not plural).

(c) Section 1.2, Function Signatures and Descriptions: In the paragraph 
beginning "For most functions", "a initial paragraph" should be "an 
initial paragraph".

(d) Section 1.3, Namespace Terminology: This section could be merged with 
Section 1.8, Terminology.

(e) Section 1.4, Type Hierarchy: First paragraph lists the type xs:IDREFS 
twice in the same enumeration (once with a colon and once without).

(f) Section 1.5.2, xdt:untypedAtomic: "a XML Schema" should be "an XML 

(g) Section 6.4.1, fn:abs(): says "the type of the return is the parent 
numeric type." The term "base type" would be better than "parent type". 
Same comment applies to sections 6.4.2 (fn:ceiling), 6.4.3 (fn:floor), 
6.4.4 (fn:round), and 6.4.5 (fn:round-half-to-even).

--Don Chamberlin

Received on Friday, 27 February 2004 20:53:11 UTC