Last Call comments on XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language XSCH-QL-013

Dear Colleagues,

This comment pertains to the 12 November 2003 internal WD of 
XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language [1].

Please accept our sincere apologies on being past-due with this

David Ezell (on behalf of the XML Schema WG)


XSCH-QL-013 Section Computed Element Constructors

    The content expression of a computed element constructor is processed as

    1. For each node ...

       Any sequence of adjacent text nodes in the content sequence is merged
       into a single text node.

Suggest adding the phrase:

    "by concatenating their contents, with no intervening blanks"

to be precise as bullet 4 in " Content".

Received on Monday, 23 February 2004 21:28:04 UTC