ORA-XQ-409-B: Introduce identity-less operations as a feature

SECTION 2.6: Optional Features

  Today XQuery requires node identities to be preserved in the language quite strongly. All nodes that are from an external source or created in the language require node identities to be preserved. This is a strict requirement that is not necessary for a large number of applications that need to deal only with the values contained in the nodes rather than the nodes' identity. 

 This is also a great burden for implementations that can otherwise use streaming mechanisms for XML processing.
 This is also a problem for implementations that choose to push down the query to be evaluated in native systems like relational databases or other non-XML value based systems.

 Include a static context flag that specifies whether node identities need to be preserved. If the option is true, then no node based operations such as "is", "<<" , ">>" etc.. should be allowed. Further this could also restrict non-forward axes like parent(), sibling(), root(), etc.. 


- Steve B.

Received on Friday, 20 February 2004 21:22:32 UTC