Re: [XSLT 2.0] setting off deprecated attributes

Michael Kay wrote:
> Thanks for the comment. It will be considered by the WG.


> I can't treat this as being purely editorial because we don't currently
> have a well-defined concept of deprecation. We have other attributes
> such as data-type on xsl:sort that are retained solely for backwards
> compatibility, but which are not deprecated as such.

I like how required attributes are bold; I also like the addition of ? in XSLT 
2.0 for optional attributes. Some sort of typographical mechanism, such as 
italics or a special color, for deprecated and backward compatible attributes 
would be a sight for sore eyes (sore from reading so many specs, that is).

> We also need to be very careful that typographical conventions must
 > never be the only way in which information is communicated.

Of course.


Received on Friday, 20 February 2004 17:20:01 UTC