RE: ORA-XQ-090-E: please rewrite as a positive rather than a double negative

> SECTION 2.6.2: static typing feature
> First sentence: "[Definition: An XQuery implementation that does 
> not support the Static Typing Feature is not required to raise 
> type errors during the static analysis phase.]"  This 
> would read better if stated positively: "An XQuery implementation 
> that supports the Static Typing Feature is required to raise 
> type errors during the static analysis phase."  
or better, since it's tagged as a definition, write it as a definition:

The *static typing feature* is an optional feature of the XQuery
language. An XQuery implementation that offers this feature is required
to raise 
type errors during the static analysis phase." 

Michael Kay

Received on Tuesday, 17 February 2004 12:46:50 UTC