ORA-FO-192-C: is truncation or rounding acceptable when casting xs:double to xs:float?

SECTION 17.8.1: casting to xs:float

The second bullet says "If ST is xs:double and SV can be 
represented in the value space of xs:float...".  This is open
to the interpretation "...can be represented in the value space
of xs:float without truncation or rounding...".  However, 
the third bullet (when SV cannot be represented in the value 
space of xs:float) does not include a case for truncation or
rounding, so it seems that the second bullet must mean that
truncation or rounding is acceptable.  This should be clarified
by rewriting the second bullet.

- Steve B.

Received on Monday, 16 February 2004 17:49:32 UTC