ORA-FO-173-B: nonrecursive definition of something that probably should be recursive

SECTION 2.4: fn:base-uri

It says: "If the base-uri property for $arg is empty, the base-uri
of that node's parent is returned."  As written, this is not
recursive, meaning that you would never consult the base-uri
of the grandparent of a node.  I think this is not what you mean.
If you mean this to work recursively up the tree until it finds
a node with a base-uri, or reaches the root, you should say so.

Perhaps replace the sentence with: 
If the base-uri property for $arg is empty, the base-uri
of that node's parent is returned by the equivalent of fn:base-uri($arg/..)." 

- Steve B.

Received on Monday, 16 February 2004 17:38:15 UTC