ORA-XQ-232-E: Typeswitch needs to specify its special rule for propagating dynamic errors

SECTION 3.12.2: Typeswitch

In 2.5.3 Errors and Optimizations:
"To avoid unexpected errors caused by reordering of expressions, tests that are designed to prevent dynamic errors should be expressed using conditional or typeswitch expressions. Conditional and typeswitch expressions raise only dynamic errors that occur in the branch that is actually selected."
And in 3.10 Conditional Expressions:
"Conditional expressions have a special rule for propagating dynamic errors...."
However, for 3.12.2 typeswitch, there is no similar paragraph
to state that typeswitch expressions have a special rule for propagating dynamic errors, that is, only the the branch that is actually selected can raise dynamic errors.

- Steve B.

Received on Monday, 16 February 2004 17:03:32 UTC