ORA-XQ-107-B: what is a valid CharRef?

SECTION 3.1.1 : literals

There is no description, here or in Appendix A.1, 
of what is or is not a valid CharRef,
merely that it is "an XML-style reference to a Unicode character, 
identified by its decimal or hexadecimal code point."  
The use of "XML-style" is unnecessarily vague.  The answer is 
that it depends on whether the implementation is using XML 1.0 
or XML 1.1 lexical rules.  In either case, it is given by
the Well-formedness Constraint: Legal Character" in section
4.1 of either [XML 1.0] or [XML 1.1].  This rule should be
cited here.  Otherwise it would appear that �
conforms to the EBNF for CharRef, and it should not.

- Steve B.

Received on Monday, 16 February 2004 14:57:03 UTC