ORA-XQ-103-B: Flagger should flag vendor extensions that are not must-understand extensions

SECTION XQuery flagger

Besides flagging must-understand extensions, the flagger should
call out any vendor extensions that are not must-understand 
extensions.  Such extensions are probably inevitable (my
prediction is that vendors will find the must-understand 
extension syntax too lengthy for their favorite extensions).
In addition, you have not specified "no supersetting" as was 
done for Ada.  The first sentence of section 2.6.6 "Must-understand
extensions" says "an implementation may extend XQuery functionality
by supporting must understand extensions."  This does
not say "an implementation may not extend except through 
must-understand extensions".  Even if you had such a sentence,
vendors will still be tempted to add extensions, and you lack
the buying power of DoD to enforce a "no supersetting" rule.

- Steve B.

Received on Monday, 16 February 2004 14:52:30 UTC