ORA-XQ-089-Q: Are all XQuery errors in the xdt namespace?

SECTION 2.5.2: Handling dynamic errors

Third para, second sentence: "For example, an error value might
be an integer, a string, a QName, or an element."  In Functions
and Operators section 3 "The error function" second para third
sentence, it says "Each error defined in this document [ie, 
F&O] is identified by an xs:QName that is in the namespace 
associated with the xdt: prefix."  This seems like a good 
convention, that all dynamic errors specified by the W3C
specification are QNames in a single namespace.  It would be
good if the rest of the specifications in the XQuery suite
adhered to the same convention.  This may well be your intent 
already, in which case the sentence I started with, "For
example, an error value might be an integer..." should be 
construed as referring to values permitted to a user invocation
of fn:error.  However, in the context in which it appears, it
seems to be referring to dynamic errors specified by the 
XQuery language specification. 

- Steve B.

Received on Monday, 16 February 2004 14:42:37 UTC