RE: IBM-DM-011: Bad terminology: "complex content"

Actually, XML Schema in section 3.4.2, XML Representation of Complex
Type Definitions, does have a section headed "Complex Type Definition
with Complex Content"; but it's true enough that this concept is used
only in the XML representation of a schema, and the schema component
itself breaks this down as stated in the comment.
Michael Kay

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of XML Query
Sent: 02 February 2004 19:08
Subject: IBM-DM-011: Bad terminology: "complex content"

Data Model Section 6.2.2 (Element Nodes--Accessors): The dm:string-value
and dm:typed value accessors have some problems with terminology. Both
accessor descriptions refer to "complex type with complex content" but
this terminology is not found in XML Schema. In XML Schema, a complex
type may have empty content, simple content, mixed content, or
element-only content. The accessor descriptions should use these terms
rather than the undefined term "complex content". For an example of how
to do this, see Section 2.4.2 (Typed Value and String Value) in the
language document, which the Data Model description should be consistent
with in any case. 

Received on Monday, 2 February 2004 15:16:41 UTC