[XQuery ] doc. order of attribute nodes created in element constructor


Can the implementation of a computed elemement constructor freely choose 
the order of the attribute nodes? For example, is the result of

  element { "a" } { attribute { "b" } { "" }, attribute { "c" } { "" } }


   <a b="" c=""/>

or can it also be

   <a c="" b=""/>

? I would expect the latter for fundamental (attributes are essentially 
unordered) and practical reasons (letting the implementation choose a 
certain ordering my sometimes make certain operations more efficient), 
but It's not clear to me what the informal and formal semantics exactly 
have to say about this.

I already raised a related point before (the document order of the 
contents of an element created with a computed element constructor seems 
underspecified) but am not sure about the follow-up, so if this has 
already been discussed I apologize.

-- Jan Hidders

  / Jan Hidders \  Home Page: http://www.win.ua.ac.be/~hidders/       \
 | Post-doctoral researcher               e-mail: jan.hidders@ua.ac.be |
 | Dept. Math. & Computer Science         tel: (+32) 3 265 38 73       |
 | University of Antwerp                  fax: (+32) 3 265 37 77       |
 | Middelheimlaan 1, BE-2020 Antwerpen, BELGIUM     room: G 3.21       |

Received on Monday, 2 February 2004 09:53:20 UTC