Re: [XSLT2.0] xma vs. xml: "The ability to execute extension functions represents a potential security weakness"

Ted Shaneyfelt commented on 13 Aug 2004:

"This is likely to quietly open countless security breaches where
webmasters in the past have trusted xslt to be uploaded and to execute
on their machines because of it's safe nature.  By simply upgrading an
operating system or other component, the system will quietly become
vulnerable to simple attacks."

This comment somehow escaped my attention until now. Apologies for not

I added the warning about the security implications of XSLT extension
functions because I had become aware that many users (and some implementors)
were unaware of the risks. At one stage W3C itself was running an XSLT
conversion service on its servers that allowed users to submit arbitrary
stylesheets that were able to call Java methods on the server where they
ran: I was able to demonstrate that this gave me the ability to obtain a
full directory listing of the server, and I could probably have modified or
deleted files had I chosen to do so.

I don't think we can prohibit extension functions entirely, but I do think
we can do more to alert vendors and users to the risks, and I'm pleased that
you spotted the paragraph which attempts to do so. I think we must leave the
question about how security is configured to individual vendors. Your
suggestions about using a mime type are interesting, but would only be
useful if vendors of client-side XSLT-aware browsers were prepared to modify
their products.

My own product, Saxon, has a switch to disable all use of extension

As I'm sure you realize, there's no difference here between XSLT 2.0 and

Michael Kay

Received on Friday, 20 August 2004 15:01:01 UTC