Re: SAG-FO-02 follow-up: Durations

It is nice to see that things are moving in the good direction.

I would insist on the necessity of (overloaded) constructors
accepting numeric arguments for date/time times [with an
  optional timezone argument]

          xs:date( $year as integer, $month as integer, $day as integer )

          xs:time( $hours as integer, $minutes as integer, $seconds as double )

          xs:dateTime( $year as integer, $month as integer, $day as integer,
		 $hours as integer, $minutes as integer, $seconds as double,
		 $timezone as duration? )

          xs:gYear( $year as integer )

Currently it is not easy at all to synthesize a date/time from
numeric values: one has to build a string representation (but there
is no format function!) then cast to the proper date/time type.

This would make the function set closed by allowing any kind
of computation.

Xavier FRANC

Received on Monday, 22 September 2003 10:29:48 UTC