Re: [XQuery] SAG-XQ-005 Serializing Arbitrary Sequences

 > We don't think that the mechanism for serializing an arbitrary
 > sequence described in section 2 of the Serialization specification
 > meets any known user requirement.

I think there is a need for "human-readable" serialization, which does
not necessarily have to be reversible.  Consider exploratory entering
query expressions to a processor, and getting a serialized result back.
If I type:

   1 to 5

I might expect:

1 2 3 4 5



but I would not want or expect:

<res:atomic type="xs:integer" value="1"/>
<res:atomic type="xs:integer" value="2"/>
<res:atomic type="xs:integer" value="3"/>
<res:atomic type="xs:integer" value="4"/>
<res:atomic type="xs:integer" value="5"/>

I might want type annotations:

1 : xs:integer
2 : xs:integer
3 : xs:integer
4 : xs:integer
5 : xs:integer


(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) : xs:integer*

but only if it is optional.

Similarly, emitting an xs:string with quotes makes it
easier to see what is going on and to read it back in
again.  However, emitting it without quotes allows the
programming to construct arbitrary formatted output.
For example:

"The sum is: ", sum($vals), ".&nl;"

(Aside:  a "new-line" predefined entity would be very useful.)

There is also a need for an "interoperable" serialization,
which might give the result using special elements as
Michael Kay suggests.  But that is a separate goal.

The Lisp world has long distinguished "readable" output,
where (for example) string and symbols are emitted with quotes,
so the output is a valid "S-expression" that can be read back
in again, vs "display" or "non-readable" output which is used
for output meant to be read by a human, and if you want quotes
you have to write them explicitly.
	--Per Bothner

Received on Sunday, 30 November 2003 17:31:38 UTC