Re: DM expressing until-like queries in XPath 2.0

I'm not sure if i grasp the meaning of the xpath 2.0 expression below,
but wouldn't this work then (which is virtually the first order
formula expressing "betweenness")

for $here in .
   $here//*[@l='no' and (every  $a in ancestor::* satisfies
       (self::*[@l='yes'] or not descendant-or-self/$here::*))]

cheers & thanks!


On Thu, Nov 27, 2003 at 02:01:20PM +0000, David Carlisle wrote:
> something like
> .//*
>   [@l='no' and not(ancestor::*[
>       count(.|current()/descendant::*)=
>           count(current()/descendant::*)]/@l='no')]
> would restrict the ancestors to be descendants of the current node but
> that requires the xslt current() function (and if you're using xslt you
> could write the whole thing much more simply using xslt conditionals.
> in pure xpath2 I suppose it's something like
> for $here in .
>   return
>   $here//*[@l='no' and (every  $a in ancestor::*[@l='yes'] satisfies 
>       (some $d in $here/descendant-or-self::*  satisfies $d is $a ))]
> for each descendent with @l=no check that all its ancestors with l=yes
> are descendents of the current node.
> -- 
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Maarten Marx

 Language and Inference Technology Group, ILLC, Universiteit van  Amsterdam
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Brothers and sisters,

I wanna see a sea of hands out there.

Let me see a sea of hands.

I want everybody to kick up some noise.

I wanna hear some revolution out there, brothers.

I wanna hear a little revolution.

Brothers and sisters, the time has come

for each and every one of you to decide

whether you are gonna be the problem,

or whether you are gonna be the solution.

You must choose, brothers, you must choose.

It takes 5 seconds, 5 seconds of decision.

Five seconds to realize your purpose here on the planet.

It takes 5 seconds to realize that it's time to move.

It's time to get down with it.

Brothers, it's time to testify and I want to know,

Are you ready to testify?

Are you ready? 

I give you a testimonial, the MC5!

----Brother J.C. Crawford

Received on Thursday, 27 November 2003 11:09:08 UTC