RE: F&O 7.4.5 fn:normalize-space

> It may be worth noting that (unfortunately) XML 1.1 is 
> planning to change the white space rules and add x85 and 
> x2028. This will mean that XSLT using an XML 1.1 parser on a 
> document containing an x85 will see a x10 which will be 
> normalised by this function, whereas the same expression in 
> an Xquery query on the same document will see a non-white 
> space character that will not be normalised (unless Xquery 
> plans to adopt the XML 1.1 rules).
> My preferred solution would be to not change the XML white 
> space rules (A comment has been sent to the XML editor list) 
> but assuming that XML 1.1 does do this, it may be worth 
> adding a note here as it will likely to be a cause of 
> apparent incompatibility between xslt and xquery.
> David

I don't think that newline characters in source documents will be handled
differently by XSLT and XQuery, will they? Both go through XML parsing in
the same way. The only difference is that newlines in an XSLT stylesheet are
handled differently from newlines in an XQuery query. I'm not convinced this
is a problem, except to the extent that the non-XML-ness of a query is a
problem anyway.

Michael Kay

Received on Monday, 17 November 2003 09:25:06 UTC