RE: WD-xpath-functions-20030502: casting xs:QName

> > This is certainly a good use case. However, it's 
> interesting that the
> > argument to the xs:QName constructor is a string literal. 
> But actually 
> > any expression that yields a string can be used here.
> is there any difference in the capability offered by a function which 
> took the iri and local part as two distinct string data.

I think there are two differences

(a) there is an indirection: the binding of the prefix to the URI can be
changed at any time, in one place

(b) there is a convenience; the syntactic notation of prefix:local-name is
familiar and people are comfortable with it.
> there should be _no_ formal difference in terms of expressiveness 
> between binding an iri to a prefix and binding an iri to a variable.
I agree with that. We aren't talking about expressive power here, we are
talking about usability considerations.

Michael Kay

Received on Friday, 7 November 2003 07:20:21 UTC