Re: rescue; error recovery facilities needed

I encountered a problem of a somewhat similar nature using XSLT 1.0, 
using the document function.  In certain scenarios, using Java, the user 
could make a "document()" reference to a document that might not be 
there, or might not parse correctly, and I wanted to be able to handle 
the error in the XSLT, not in the Java code.

My work-around was to always return a document via the URIResolver, just 
that sometimes it would have special "error" content.  I mention this in 
the context of this suggestion to note that it might make more sense 
with a different syntax.  Two alternatives suggest themselves to me:

A) Within an "xsl:do" block, have multiple "xsl:rescue" blocks with the 
appropriate "match" attributes.
<xsl:rescue match="errns:notFound">
    <xhtml:p>Unable to find document</xhtml:p>
<xsl:rescue match="*">
    <xhtml:p>An unexpected error occurred</xhtml:p>

B) Forgo the "xsl:do" and "xsl:rescue" altogether.  Instead, the xsl:try 
implicitly does an <xsl:apply-templates /> on the xml of the error 
message, should an error occur.  Note that the "mode" on the "xsl:try" 
would be passed through to the <xsl:apply-templates />
<xsl:try mode="retrieval-error">
   <xsl:copy-of select="unparsed-text($file_abs,'utf-8')"/>

Actually, now that I think about it, option (B) seems like a pretty good 
fit for an extension element if it doesn't end up in the spec.
Of course, it might make sense for implementations to eventually agree 
on what the error info-set looks like.


Tobias Reif wrote:

> Hi
> Here's a request for XSLT 2, possibly also applying to XPath 2 and 
> related technologies.
> Problem Summary:
> Current drafts of XSLT 2 / XPath 2 don't provide error recovery 
> facilities. This current limitation results in various problems: an 
> XSLT application can not finish it's job, even if it could continue 
> after the error. The app should be able to deal with error if it can 
> handle it, so that the transfomation can continue.
> Scenario, Problem Details:
> The input document references a file, via facilities specific to the 
> input's language (not via generic mechanisms such as XInclude, XML 
> external entity references, etc).
> The transformation application handles this with the unparsed-text() 
> function; here's a snippet:
> <xsl:template match="textdata[@fileref]">
>   <xsl:variable name="file_abs"
>     select="resolve-uri(@fileref,base-uri(/))"/>
>   <xsl:copy-of select="unparsed-text($file_abs,'utf-8')"/>
> </xsl:template>
> If the path supplied by the fileref attribute doesn't point to a file, 
> then my XSLT processor raises a fatal error [1], and aborts the 
> transformation. Especially in cases where there is no human 
> supervision, eg when the whole thing runs on the server, this is 
> inacceptable.
> This is a very common scenario.
> Solution, Request:
> Please add error recovery facilities [2] to XSLT 2 / XPath 2.
> The syntax for the mechanism could look like this:
> XSLT 2:
> <xsl:do>
>   <xsl:try>
>     <xsl:copy-of select="unparsed-text($file_abs,'utf-8')"/>
>   </xsl:try>
>   <xsl:rescue>
>     <xsl:variable name="message">
>       <xsl:text>could not insert </xsl:text>
>       <xsl:copy-of select="$file_abs"/>
>     </xsl:variable>
>     <xsl:message>
>       <xsl:copy-of select="$message"/>
>     </xsl:message>
>     <xsl:comment>
>       <xsl:copy-of select="$message"/>
>     </xsl:comment>
>   </xsl:rescue>
> </xsl:do>
> An analog mechanism might also make sense as addition to XPath 2.
> "An error that is not detected until a source document is being 
> transformed is referred to as a dynamic error. Some dynamic errors are 
> classed as recoverable errors. When a recoverable error occurs, this 
> specification allows the processor either to signal the error (by 
> reporting the error condition and terminating execution) or to take a 
> defined recovery action and continue processing. It is 
> implementation-defined  whether the error is signaled or the recovery 
> action is taken. If the implementation does choose to take recovery 
> action, it must  take the recovery action defined in this specification."
> I need a way to specify the recovery action to be taken. No matter 
> what the processor chooses to do in the absence of this user specified 
> recovery action (abort or recover); when a user supplied action is 
> present (xsl:rescue), all processors must carry it out if the first 
> action failed.
> Alternatives
> There are various solutions specific to the problem described in the 
> scenario. They solve this specific problem, but don't address the 
> underlying general issue.
> A function resource-exists() for example would solve the problem 
> encountered in the specific use case described above, but it would not 
> help in all other cases where user supplied error recovery action is 
> required.
> Use Case:
> See Scenario.
> Possible Issues:
> The "rollback" issue mentioned in [3] should be solvable.
> AFAICS, Rollback of the result tree should not be required.
> One possible solution might be:
> Any action contained in xsl:try is only carried out if the complete
> contents of the xsl:try succeed.
> If one or more action fails, then none of them are carried out.
> They are simulated/attempted/tested first, without affecting the 
> result tree. This can represent a performance penalty, but where 
> reliability and predictable program execution is of high importance, 
> this most often is acceptable.
> Then the actions contained inside xsl:rescue are carried out.
> Discussion:
> Please also see
> Tobi
> [1]
> "[ERR119] It is a dynamic error if a URI cannot be used to retrieve a 
> resource containing text. This is a recoverable error. The processor 
> must either signal the error, or must recover by treating the URI as 
> if it referenced a resource containing a zero-length string."
> [2]
> Analog to begin-rescue (eg in Ruby), try-catch, etc in other languages.
> [3]

Received on Wednesday, 18 June 2003 11:49:09 UTC