Welcome to the NewConcept_TO group


I've added you to my NewConcept_TO group at Yahoo! Groups, a free, 
easy-to-use email group service. As a member of this group, you
may send messages to the entire group using just one email address:
NewConcept_TO@yahoogroups.com. Yahoo! Groups also makes it easy to
store photos and files, coordinate events, and more.

Here's a description of the group:

This newsgroup is used to give every member an update of current information 


Here's my introductory message for you:

Welcome to newconcept groups. It is a real IT groups. 


TO START SENDING messages to members of this group, simply send email 
to NewConcept_TO@yahoogroups.com 

If you do not wish to belong to the NewConcept_TO group, you 
can unsubscribe by replying to this message, or by sending an email to 


Moderator, NewConcept_TO 

SPECIAL NOTE FROM Yahoo! Groups:  Because Yahoo! Groups values your privacy, 
it is a violation of our service rules for moderators to add subscribers 
to a group against their wishes. If you feel this has happened, please 
notify us at abuse@yahoogroups.com 

P.S.  If you would like to learn more about the NewConcept_TO group,
please visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NewConcept_TO 

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

Received on Monday, 9 June 2003 17:32:17 UTC