Re: XPath Data Model proposal

Hi John,

> Norman Walsh scripsit:
>> What do you mean? Are you asking that xsi:type attributes be used
>> even when documents aren't (WXS) schema validated?
> Yes, that is just what I mean. For example, a document with a DTD
> could have xsi:type attributes that are #FIXED, in which case the
> XPath DM would be able to process these documents as containing
> typed data, despite the absence of a PSVI. Alternatively, explicit
> xsi:type attributes could be inserted either by transformation or by
> the originating process.

Just to fill in the gaps here, presumably you're only suggesting that
an XPath 2.0 processor be able to do anything with xsi:type attributes
holding the names of types that it recognises, and that other type
annotations should be ignored?

Also, I assume that you're suggesting that the XPath 2.0 processor
validate the content of the annotated element, such that, for example
<foo xsi:type="xs:integer">rubbish</foo> isn't labelled as being of
type xs:integer. Or are you suggesting that elements be labelled with
types without necessarily being valid against those types?

(The same answers will apply to xdt:attributeTypes, I imagine.)



Jeni Tennison

Received on Thursday, 5 June 2003 12:24:07 UTC