RE: ORA-FO-DEEPEQUAL-VALUES 15.2.1 fn:deep-equal


If the nodes are attribute nodes or element nodes with simple content we
do compare their typed values.

If the nodes are complex nodes with complex content the typed-value
accessor returns a type error.  In this case we need to compare the
contents of the nodes recursively.

All the best, Ashok 


[] On Behalf Of Stephen Buxton
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 5:55 PM
Subject: ORA-FO-DEEPEQUAL-VALUES 15.2.1 fn:deep-equal 


Functions and Operators, Section 15.2.1 fn:deep-equal 

If both nodes have been validated, should we just be comparing the typed
values ?

Received on Wednesday, 23 July 2003 08:41:18 UTC